Archive | October, 2015

Twilight Resurrected: A Review of Stephenie Meyer’s Gender-Swapped “Twilight”

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer released a “new” book, a gender-swapped version of Twilight itself. The book, entitled Life and Death and available only as a special double edition of Twilight, was intended to address the criticisms her portrayal of Bella has faced in the decade since the book’s original publication. […]

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The Kosta Doin’ Comedy: Breaking Down ‘The Comment Section’ with Michael Kosta

Feeling like the closest thing to hell the Internet has ever seen, the comments section is truly an increasing cesspool of new-age stupidity and poorly spelled monologues, unleashing mindlessness and vitriol. But it’s more of a goldmine for E!’s newest star, the hilarious and affable Michael Kosta of “The Comment Section.”

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Fall Openings!

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time of year again! Fall into a new groove this season and join our writing team! The Hudsucker is looking for new writers to fill staff writing positions. If you are a dedicated, passionate writer, feel free to send your application to us. We are looking for friendly individuals who can be team players, […]

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Why You Should Eat Ginger Everyday

There are certain flavors that pop up around this time of year, are unavoidably popular, and then mostly disappear; not to be seen or heard from again for the next 9ish months. First it’s apple, then pumpkin swoops into the spotlight, and soon enough it will be the “holiday spices” turn. You know, the perfectly […]

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The FlashBack: ‘The Flash’ – Episode 1 ‘The Man Who Saved Central City’

There’s been a murder. The victim, Al Rothstein, was a welder at the nuclear plant and his cause of death was definitely strangulation by someone huge and crazy strong. Not Grodd, of course, but someone.

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iZombie’s Newest Femme Fatale: Leanne Lapp

With most shows, stories and characters are planned out months in advance. Creators, writers, and producers know exactly where the show is going, which characters will play important roles in future episodes, and how the whole thing will play out. But every so often, an actor’s performance in a small role will be so inspiring […]

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Is It Possible to Drink Too Much Water? – The Dangers of Over-Hydration

Like most people, I was taught to drink my eight glasses of water a day, especially on a hot summer day or at the gym. But what I didn’t know, until recently, was that it is possible to drink too much water when you’re dehydrated.

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The Benefits of CrossFit for Beginners

CrossFit has garnered the attention of both men and women for years, but as the core strength and conditioning program grew in popularity over the years and across the country, many more are now turning to it for the added benefits to their daily routine. If you’ve been curious about CrossFit but are intimidated to try […]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Effective Couponing

Cutting coupons from the Sunday newspaper has fast become a relic of the past thanks to technology. With smartphones revolutionizing the coupon market, there has been a sudden surge in the past few years of mobile apps and websites helping you save money or earn cash and rewards back. Whether you are on a budget […]

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