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After spending several years in social services, Nicole has finally followed her lifelong dream of being a full-time writer. In addition to her work for The Hudsucker, Nicole is also a staff writer for Womanista. An avid comic book fan, BBQ aficionado, professional makeup artist and first-time mom, Nicole can be found exploring Kansas City rich history when she's not blogging about suburban life at Suburban Flamingo.

Pantone Declares Ultra Violet 2018’s Color of the Year

Image Credit: Pantone

After a rather interesting green 2017, Pantone has revealed its official color of the year for 2018 and purple fans everywhere can rejoice. The Pantone Color Institute has chosen Ultra Violet to inspire our palettes next year.While this year’s Greenery was a little difficult to incorporate into fashion and other trends, 2018’s Ultra Violet is decidedly more wearable. Purple has been a color that has already started making appearances, particularly in fashion where during Milan’s Fashion Week this past September, the Gucci spring 2018 collection was distinctively purple-toned with creative and unique pieces including many head-to-toe purple looks.

This unique creativity is part of the reason Pantone chose Ultra Violet for 2018, according to Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute.

“It is this kind of creative inspiration that is indigenous to Pantone 18-3838 Ultra Violet, a blue-based purple that takes our awareness and potential to a higher level. From exploring new technologies and the greater galaxy, to artistic expression and spiritual reflection, intuitive Ultra Violet lights the way to what is yet to come.”

Not sure you want to dive headlong into a totally purple look? No worries! Ultra Violet is a color that works just as well as an accessory as it does the main event. Easy ways to incorporate the shade include items such as statement jewelry, a fun handbag, shoes, or even a bright purple scarf. Looking to add the color to your life, just not your body?

Try a purple accent pillow in your home or treat yourself to a bright purple water bottle to take to the gym. After all a new color of the year isn’t the only thing on the horizon. It’s almost New Year’s Resolutions time again and if you’re going to make getting fit part of your plan, might as well do it in style.

What do you think of the new Pantone color of the year? Let us know in the comments!

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One Comment on “Pantone Declares Ultra Violet 2018’s Color of the Year”

  1. Donna from MyOBT December 21, 2017 at 9:48 pm #

    I agree. The green wasn’t really my thing, but oh, this purple!

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