Archive | May, 2013

The 3 MLB Wives You Should Be Following on Twitter

“Behind every married baseball player is a woman who didn’t know what she was getting herself into.” The headline of Dallas Latos‘ blog provokes questions about what it means to be bound together for life with a traveling pro athlete and opens the page for a never-ending story to be told. The term “baseball wife” […]

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A Daughter’s Journey

Growing up my Mum always said we would travel to Ireland together when I graduated from college. She traveled to Ireland when she graduated from high school and wanted to share the experience with me once I completed my undergraduate degree.

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Happy Mother’s Day from The Hudsucker!

From all of us here at The Hudsucker, we wish you and your mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day! The day devoted to our favorite lady reminds us to honor not just mothers and motherhood, but mother figures, maternal bonds, and the influence of such nurturing roles in our society. We thank mothers for all they’ve […]

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Celebrating Mother’s Day: A Look At Iconic TV Moms

Moms are pretty amazing. They cook, they clean, they fix booboos, they run to the office supply store at midnight because her kid forgot he has a project due in the morning. Basically, these women are superheroes. Mother’s Day is a day that should be entirely devoted to them and the appreciation for who they […]

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Idol Top 3 Results: Finale Shocker

As I said last week, this is the Top 3 I wanted. I’d be happy if any one of them won in the end. That said, I don’t think I had clued in to the reality that, holy heck, one of them has to go home before the finale and, not only that, it could […]

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The Canadian Foodie: The Waffle Edition

The Canadian Foodie is back, and this time, she brought waffles.

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Idol Top 3 Performances: It’s A Sad, Sad Situation

You’ll notice this is the first title to not contain a pun and it’s because I’m in a very somber mood. The reality is just setting in for me that I have to lose one of these girls tomorrow night and, also, I just realized that I actually do want one of them more than […]

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Angels in Darkness

There is a story that begins with a curious little girl. She is watching the news with her mother, and sees all the “bad” news that comes across the screen in big, bold letters of BREAKING NEWS. This BREAKING NEWS typical includes tragedies she realized, even in her young mind. She looked inquisitively at her mother and […]

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Not Your Average Day On The Farm: “At Any Price”

The story of a father and son butting heads and experiencing disconnect may be the basis for the Bahrani film At Any Price, but it’s the chemistry of Dennis Quaid and Zac Efron combined with the honest view of the high-stakes world of agribusiness that makes this drama one to watch.

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Idol Top 4.2 Results: Suspense Four Nothing

Well thank God someone was actually eliminated because I’m seriously out of “four” puns for this season. That said, Thursday’s results show wasn’t without plenty of suspense as Ryan withheld any results until the very end of the telecast. I, personally, was on pins and needles because I had a very clear Top 3 that […]

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‘Avengers Alliance’: The ‘Fantastic Four’ who should make the cut next season

For over a year now, I’ve been playing the turn-based social network game Marvel: Avengers Alliance on my Facebook account. Developed last year by Playdom, players assume the role of a rookie S.H.I.E.L.D. agent recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury. Your mission: Assemble and fight alongside a who’s who of legendary Marvel superheroes – including […]

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Idol Top 4 – Part 2: This One’s Four The Girls

Well, I have to say that keeping these for girls around for another night of performances made for an interesting show. The content of the judging was slightly better than last week but their antics had me cringing all night. From Mariah and Nicki’s bickering to Randy’s pissing contest with guest mentor (and hopefully future […]

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Hitting Highs with David Cook’s “Laying Me Low”

An artist who never fails to put his heart on the line for his music is David Cook, the past winner of the FOX reality show, American Idol. Last year Cook parted ways with RCA Records after producing two albums for the label and disclosing the split during last May’s American Idol Top 4 results show. Since then, […]

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