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The Hudsucker is an online magazine made up of unique and dedicated writers with fresh voices from across the country and overseas. Our team of writers are passionate and driven, bringing forth their personalities in each article. Since its inception in 2012, The Hudsucker has continuously proven how writing is our strongest fingerprint. By creating a smart and ambitious environment for readers, the digital magazine focusing on popular culture aims to be relatable through experiences and passions.

“Pacific Rim” Blu-ray Giveaway!

We are proud to announce a giveaway in partnership with PartnersHub, in conjunction with Warner Brothers for the sci-fi film, Pacific Rim. Read on to find out how you can take part in our contest and win an a Blu-ray copy.

Pacific Rim Contest Banner

Go big or go extinct! Directed by Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth), Pacific Rim is an epic science fiction film set in the 2020s. Earth is at war with Kaijus; colossal monsters from an inter-dimensional gateway on the Pacific Ocean floor. Humanity unites to fight these huge monsters by creating the Jaegers: gigantic humanoid robots that are controlled by two pilots whose minds and memories are linked. The story takes place in the later days of the war, following Raleigh Becket, a former Jaeger pilot called out of retirement and paired up with newbie pilot Mako Mori in a final effort to defeat the Kaijus!

Would you like to win a Blu-ray copy of Pacific Rim?

Pacific Rim Screencap App

To enter, take the Superfan Trivia Quiz on the Pacific Rim app as seen above. Then tell us your quiz score AND why you’re the ultimate SUPERFAN. To submit your answer, enter through ONE of the following:

Contest Rules 

  1. Eligibility: Open to all legal residents of Canada and the United States, aged 18 years and older.
  2. Contest Period: Contest begins October 11 at 7:00pm EST and closes October 25 at 11:59PM EST.
  3. Contest Entry: Limit 1 entry per household; 1 entrant per mailing address per giveaway. No P.O Boxes please. The prize will be sent by USPS or FedEx.
    • If you have won the same prize on another site, you will be disqualified and another winner will be randomly selected. Winners are subject to eligibility verification. The winner will have 48 hours to respond. If there is no response, another winner will be randomly chosen.


Pacific Rim will release on Blu-ray and DVD Oct.15!

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6 Comments on ““Pacific Rim” Blu-ray Giveaway!”

  1. Bernie W October 11, 2013 at 11:56 pm #

    Freshman Fan

  2. Pauline Cheung October 13, 2013 at 7:41 pm #

    I got Fantastic Fan!
    I’m the ultimate superfan because I’ve seen the movie three times (and counting) and I’m hoping to read the novelization soon!

  3. †Jordan From ∆frica† (@MrOrigin) October 14, 2013 at 3:43 am #

    I got fantastic Fan!

  4. Caroline L. October 14, 2013 at 4:50 am #

    I got Fantastic Fan!
    I’ve seen the movie a few times and I fell in love with each of the characters~

  5. Martin Z. October 22, 2013 at 12:34 am #

    I got fantastic fan! I’m the ultimate superfan since I went to see the midnight premier in IMAX and was one of the first ones in line to see it. Since watching it I’ve been actively watching for any news regarding Pacific Rim 2 and have read the Pacific Rim novel. I also made my own Jaeger (see here: http://eyeofthereviewer.tumblr.com/post/64749857486/design-your-own-jaeger-movie-poster-at).

  6. Paige H October 24, 2013 at 5:17 pm #

    I got Fantastic Fan! I’m the ultimate Superfan because I saw it several times in theaters and plan on getting a few action figures this Christmas!

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