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The Hudsucker is an online magazine made up of unique and dedicated writers with fresh voices from across the country and overseas. Our team of writers are passionate and driven, bringing forth their personalities in each article. Since its inception in 2012, The Hudsucker has continuously proven how writing is our strongest fingerprint. By creating a smart and ambitious environment for readers, the digital magazine focusing on popular culture aims to be relatable through experiences and passions.

Movember Round-Up!

Movember Roundup

What does it take to help raise awareness for men’s health issues? This month at The Hudsucker, our gentlemen took part in the Movember movement with hopes to start a conversation on men’s health by coming together and sharing with readers their thoughts and experiences with growing a ‘stache, and why it’s so important to open up the dialogue on men’s health.

The Movember Foundation is the leading global organization committed to changing the face of men’s health. By challenging men to grow moustaches during the month of November, Movember USA hopes to spark conversation and raise vital funds for men’s health programs that include cancer and mental health. With Movember coming to an end now, this past week, our participating male writers shared with readers their 30 day journey of what their moustaches and the cause truly mean to them.


DeShawn Blankenship: My Movember Moustache Memoir
Men’s health issues never really grabbed my attention before I turned thirty–two. I’ve been blessed with good health most of my life. I’ve only broken one bone in thirty–two years. The flu hits me pretty hard in the winter for a few days and then I’m back on my feet. CONTINUE READING…

My hairy lipJoe Bielecki: Movember, Manvember
Once during an argument about gender theory on Facebook, one of the people arguing against me said that I didn’t think that men were people. Well I now have a sad moustache that proves him wrong! CONTINUE READING…

Alex Keobke: Movember – My Moustache was the Only Thing That Grew on Me!
When I was a child, my Dad had a fantastic silver (okay grey!) moustache. Oh man I would think, one day I too am going to grow that and it might not even be grey! CONTINUE READING…

0Corey Treaster: Movember Mania!
Shaving is the bane of my existence. I have more sensitive skin than a kindle of kittens. No lie, it doesn’t matter how hot a shower I take or how much after shave lotion I use—I’m going to have razor burn for days. CONTINUE READING…

Did you take part in Movember? Let us know how your month went in the comments below.

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  1. Letter from the Editor: Live Everyday with Intention | The Hudsucker - December 30, 2014

    […] albums, holiday movies, and so much more. In November, four of our male writers even took part in Movember, helping to raise awareness on men’s health […]

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