Archive | October, 2015

Entertainment Roundup: What Happened in October

Happy Halloween! October is known for being a spooky month, and this month’s celebrity entertainment stories were nothing short of thrilling, shocking, and scary! Without further ado, here are the biggest headline-making stories from the month of October!

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Top 10 Best ’90s Halloween Sitcom Episodes

Halloween means different things to different people. For some, it’s all about the showy costumes. For others, it’s a chance to party with friends and strangers. And for children everywhere, it’s a time of ghosts, goblins, witches, pumpkins… and candy. I like to think there’s still a little bit of child in all of us—a […]

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The FlashBack: ‘The Flash’ – Episode 4 ‘The Fury of Firestorm’

So two years ago there is this high school football player named Jefferson Jackson, aka Jax, who is celebrating the game-winning touchdown out on the field with his team. It’s a super important game and everyone is happy, but Jax sees the particle accelerator explode in the distance.

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Fly Like a Girl: ‘Supergirl’ – Episode 1 ‘Pilot’

We start with a look into the past, little teenaged Kara Zor-El being prepared to launch from her home planet, Krypton, in the moments before the planet is destroyed along with everyone on it. Her parents are shipping her off to Earth to look after and protect her infant cousin, Kal-El.

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Andy Dalton

Who Would’ve Guessed? 5 Surprises of the 2015 NFL Season

We are almost at the halfway point of the 2015 NFL season and if you’ve been following each week, you’re probably as shocked as I am about some of the things that have happened. After another seemingly endless preseason and all the off-field drama in the NFL office, it’s nice to have the unpredictability of […]

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‘Tis the Season for ‘Treehouse of Horror’

Halloween is right around the corner, and that means it’s time for one of the best parts of fall, the annual Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode. Just like trick or treating and pumpkin carving, The Simpsons are practically an institution around this time of year. The Treehouse of Horror episodes are mini-anthologies of horror, comedy, and parody that range from […]

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Starting a Relationship: Friends Versus Friends With Benefits

There is no ‘best way’ to meet your partner. Sometimes you may come across your partner when (or where) you least expect it. Other times you may find yourself actively searching for a partner. For some individuals, being single may present an opportunity to realize that someone you considered a friend could become something more. For others a […]

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The FlashBack: ‘The Flash’ – Episode 3 ‘Family of Rogues’

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Barry has a real job and this episode does take a moment to remind us of this. We open with Barry working in his lab, but this is interrupted by a call from Iris.

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Movie Review: ‘Crimson Peak’ – The Haunting (Struggle) Is Real

Haunted houses are one of Halloween’s biggest attractions. Creepy creatures hide around each corner waiting to jump–scare the unsuspecting visitor half out of their shoes. When all is said and done, everyone laughs at the diversion and goes home happy. A few of us even hide under the blankets just in case there really is […]

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Why Mermaids Are ‘Real’ with Mako Mermaids Star Allie Bertram

As much as we’d all like to believe that one day we’ll get that letter from Hogwarts or that we too could join Frodo on his quest, we recognize that fantasy is just that: fantasy, but for Canadian actress Allie Bertram, the fantasy blends into reality as she takes on her role as Mimmi, one […]

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Why You Should Warm-Up Before You Run

Us runners tend to be an impatient bunch. We have lots of things that we want to happen and we want them to happen now. Things like wishing the humidity would get lost, for that race to be here now, for our pace to get quicker, or for the distances we can manage just to […]

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David Cook Rocks Seattle on His ‘Digital Vein’ Tour

On Sunday October 11, David Cook played the Tractor Tavern in Seattle as part of The Digital Vein Tour in support of his new album of the same name. Cook’s last show in Seattle was about four years prior, but the enthusiastic crowd proved that he still has a significant fanbase in the Pacific Northwest. […]

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The FlashBack: ‘The Flash’ – Episode 2 ‘The Flash of Two Worlds’

We pick up right where we left off last time: Jay Garrick just rolled up and now everyone knows he’s been creeping. No worries, though. Jay explains he’s the Flash in his world and then proceeds to explain himself. You see, where Jay’s from the Flash fights this other speedster named Zoom.

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