Tag Archives: wanderlust

The Mermaid Castle Café That Lets You Live out Your True Aquatic Destiny

In recent years, food trends have helped to bring in some of our favorite mythical fantasies to life. But one very pretty and vibrantly creative café is taking the cake — literally, with its exotic, mermaid setting that gives you a tail to wear while you eat.

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8 Awe-Inspiring Instagram Travel Accounts to Follow

Whether you’re heading overseas on a romantic trip for two or hitting the road with friends, what good is traveling if you can’t find a creative and fun way to share the experience with others? Today, social media has created a trusty and inspired haven through Instagram for users all over the world to share […]

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Travel Guide: 24 Hours in Portland

After years of admiring from afar, I finally visited Portland for the first time last month. It’s got a reputation of being a unique place — the city motto is “Keep Portland Weird,” after all — and it did not disappoint despite this Jersey girl’s extremely high expectations of it. Like all cities, you could spend […]

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A Tour of The Studebaker National Museum

With summer finally here and vacation time abound, the road is ours for the taking! But if we delve deeper into the roots of our wanderlust for the wide open road of gravel and concrete, we will see a rich car culture that thrives on the curiosity of travel and innovation. There’s no denying, these very foundations of America […]

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Travel Tips and Tricks: Rome

I’m no Rick Steves, but having a best friend with a Masters in Latin who has traveled to Italy more times than I can count certainly helped with my summer trip to Italy. Below are a few tips and tricks that will help you make the most out of your trip to Rome:

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