Archive | December, 2014

The Hudsucker Wishes You Happy New Year

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” — Rainer Maria Rilke From our families to yours, we wish you all the best and hope the new year brings new hopes and aspirations; along with zeal and courage to keep up with your dreams and goals. Have a safe and […]

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The Hudsucker’s 2014 Year in Review

We’ve had an amazing 2014 at The Hudsucker and with two years going strong, our creative and passionate team of writers have seen much success from their contributions to our online magazine. From interviews and reviews, research pieces and commentaries, to series and group collaborations, there has been much to discuss and read in the past year, […]

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Letter from the Editor: Live Everyday with Intention

It’s hard to believe anything worthwhile can come out of challenging times when you’re suffering the pangs of a moment while the abyss of darkness seems eternal, and through these hard times you clearly see not just what needs to be done, but the type of person you want to be. If you change the way you look at things in life, the things you look at will change.

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Our Top Picks for the Best Albums of 2014

It’s been an interesting year for music. From Iggy Azalea’s Fancy blowing up on the radio, to a free record from U2 for every iTunes user in the world, to multiple bands breaking up and reuniting, 2014 draws to a close with some incredible tunes from a diverse mix of musical genres. The biggest story this […]

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10 Movies To Look Out For This Winter

Since the weather outside isn’t frightful, the theaters will be delightful! Oscar season is upon us and going to the theater this winter is a great way to escape the holiday hustle and bustle. Here are a few of the best films coming out this winter that you should look out for.

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What We’re Owed: Musicians and Audience

In September, Talib Kweli Greene published a piece on Medium about Lauryn Hill. Specifically the article was about how people feel about Lauryn Hill and their demands in regards to her music and her performance. In an over-simplified nutshell, Greene stated that when people paid to attend a Lauryn Hill performance they weren’t paying to […]

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Holiday Reading Round-Up

On behalf of our staff at The Hudsucker, we wish you and your families the very best as you celebrate the holiday with your loved ones! We’ve gathered some of our best festive reading for you on this Christmas Day.

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Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!

On behalf of our staff at The Hudsucker, we wish you all the best this holiday season and hope you have a very Merry Christmas ahead of you with family and friends. As a gift to our readers, we share one of our favorite festive tunes care of the late, great Nat King Cole. Stay tuned […]

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An Inevitable Ending – “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”

The Lord of the Rings isn’t the first fantasy epic book to grace the big screen, but it is certainly one of the most expansive. Many of the characters have stories upon stories written about their exploits prior to the War of the Ring, the focus of the first trilogy. When that trilogy ended in […]

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We’re All Cool: The Fiction That is “The Cool Girl”

In her novel Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn defines the perfect girl of the twenty-first century. The novel’s primary female character Amy, has a long speech in which she details this perfect girl, a creature she calls the “cool girl.” 

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12 of Our Favorite Holiday Movies

Between baking cookies, trimming the tree and last-minute gift shopping, many of us will rejoice in the time we get to finally curl up on the couch drinking hot cocoa with our family and friends. While mastering the art of a holiday couch potato, many of us will be situated in front of the TV too, watching some of our favorite holiday […]

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7 iPhone Apps for the Foodie

For those of us whose lives tend to revolve around food, it’s natural to want to get our hands on anything related to it. From reading cookbooks as though they are novels, to watching hours of Anthony Bourdain on our TVs, there is no such thing as over saturation on food for foodies—we want all […]

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Re-Gifting Christmas with The Girls with Glasses

We’ve all done it. Whether it be a birthday present, something from that aunt who won’t stop treating you like a piece of taffy and tearing at your cheeks, or from your Secret Santa at work, we’ve all re-gifted. Re-gifting is when we take a gift we’ve received and give it to someone else in the […]

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