Tag Archives: kelly kavanaugh

He Said, She Said: Dating Your Best Friend’s Ex

Have you ever dated your best friend’s ex? There are no actual rules when dating someone, but there is that one unwritten rule that can often lead to an ugly love triangle or an altercation with your best friend.

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Reasons Why You Should Be Following “The Following”

As many TV watchers and film critics have proclaimed, a new show on FOX has made quite an impression. The Following, starring well known and talented movie actor Kevin Bacon, has been quite a hit for a variety of reasons.

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Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Easter every year marks a special place in our holiday season. Not only is it a holiday that is light, easy-going and brings families together, but it also takes place at the end of March when spring is really coming into bloom. I’ve taken a look at the traditions of Easter, and some new ones […]

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A Little Bit of Pixie Dust, and a Pair of Running Shoes

A little less than a month ago, a pair of Mickey Mouse ears and a tiara were packed into my suitcase. The reason? I was traveling to the Disney Half Marathon Princess Weekend to compete with 15 runners that I coach for a unique racing opportunity like none other. The race took place on February 22-24 […]

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Experiencing the Runner’s High: Why We Run

People sometimes ask me why I run. Why I choose to do what others see as pointless, unncessary, painful, dissatisfying, tiresome, and difficult. Why I chose a sport that is, as runners often joke, the punishment of other sports. Running is simple; it’s just that. There isn’t much equipment, you don’t have to catch or […]

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He Said, She Said: Emotional Disconnect

With February being the month of “love” and the celebration of Valentine’s, we continue our series, “He Said, She Said” where two of our male writers and two of our female writers share advice, wisdom, and provide insight based on questions from YOU! Our readers are our friends and we hope to help out in […]

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Celebrating Single Person’s Awareness Day!

As February 14th fast approaches, the controversy that always seems to surround the season celebration of Valentine’s Day also comes to mind. Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is enjoyed by some, and entirely despised and hated by others. It’s sort of an ongoing battle of the taken vs. the single. Usually, it’s the taken […]

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Rhyming Riddle: Where Am I?

Can you guess where our writer is located before the last couplet? Try to piece together the clues before the rhyme is complete.

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Christmas Spirit

What is Christmas? Our staff writer at The Hudsucker shares with us in a fun way how she sees the holiday season, and what it truly means to her in a highly expressive and creative poem; the first to ever grace our magazine.

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A Very Hudsucker Christmas!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! December is here and with it, all the joys of Christmas! Here at The Hudsucker, we are celebrating the season and our first Christmas together in the best way we know how. Our site is more than just an online magazine. We aim to be relatable and […]

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Are We All Just “Ordinary” People?

They say it’s easy you know, to choose left or right. They say it’s the same as any two choices, like black or white, straight or curved, up or down, or even wet and dry. They say it’s simple, like making toast. Pop in the bread and press the button, right? Well what if the […]

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Heartbreak City: When You Just Can’t Get Out

Sometimes it seems like we’re just stuck in Heartbreak City. It’s a place bigger than a town and smaller than a state, yet you can’t see it with your eyes or hear it with your ears. You can only feel it with your heart. It’s a tough place to be caught in, because once you […]

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